Senior Finals


I’ve been neglecting you guys a little bit, but I swear I have a good reason! (For this extra stressful time, I have decided to use Meryl Streep as the focus of my gif usage. You’re welcome)


It’s finals weekS.  Look at that “s”. Look at how it’s capitalized, bolded, underlined, and italicized. Take it in. Face the horror. Realize that college is screwing me over one last time. Not. Pleased.


Some professors refuse to give out tests during finals week. Those are the professors I love. There’s less material to learn, I get to stay home for an entire extra week, they usually have study guides. Those are the some of the best people you’ll ever meet. Bless their hearts. Look down for an accurate representation of those kinds of professors. 


Then there’s professors who assign finals during “finals week”. WHO DOES THAT?! How dare they?! I’m severely offended by those rule following, final giving, responsible adults. 


The whole point of all of this is to let you know that this semester I got a mix of both types of professors. Granted, I only have one in person final on finals week, and it’s from my favorite professor so she gets a pass. Also, it the university’s fault we have to have her final that week because apparently middle aged adults can’t schedule classes properly. This week, the intense study session week, is moving oh so slowly…


Due to this inconvenience I will have 0 time to post anything until graduation. I’m actually avoiding my homework right now because ew. So, on that note I leave you. It has been a pleasure writing out all of my frustrations while demonstrating the mastery of the arts that Meryl Streep, my queen, has achieved. 



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