Senior Finals


I’ve been neglecting you guys a little bit, but I swear I have a good reason! (For this extra stressful time, I have decided to use Meryl Streep as the focus of my gif usage. You’re welcome)


It’s finals weekS.  Look at that “s”. Look at how it’s capitalized, bolded, underlined, and italicized. Take it in. Face the horror. Realize that college is screwing me over one last time. Not. Pleased.


Some professors refuse to give out tests during finals week. Those are the professors I love. There’s less material to learn, I get to stay home for an entire extra week, they usually have study guides. Those are the some of the best people you’ll ever meet. Bless their hearts. Look down for an accurate representation of those kinds of professors. 


Then there’s professors who assign finals during “finals week”. WHO DOES THAT?! How dare they?! I’m severely offended by those rule following, final giving, responsible adults. 


The whole point of all of this is to let you know that this semester I got a mix of both types of professors. Granted, I only have one in person final on finals week, and it’s from my favorite professor so she gets a pass. Also, it the university’s fault we have to have her final that week because apparently middle aged adults can’t schedule classes properly. This week, the intense study session week, is moving oh so slowly…


Due to this inconvenience I will have 0 time to post anything until graduation. I’m actually avoiding my homework right now because ew. So, on that note I leave you. It has been a pleasure writing out all of my frustrations while demonstrating the mastery of the arts that Meryl Streep, my queen, has achieved. 



Sweet, Sweet Validation & Other Nice Feelings

Well hello there friends! 

This week has been pretty fantastic and I’ve been meaning to write this post since Thursday but plans just kept getting in the way      (I know, I know, having a life is just plain old exhausting, inconvenient, & all around terrible)

So, what have I been dying to tell you? Well let’s give you some backstory (did you really expect me to just cut right to the point?) 

I transferred to the current university I’m studying at 2 years ago. I had researched to make sure the Anthropology department had an adequate curriculum, their website told me they did, their website lied. My first semester I took a theories class with Professor Ritchie. He was absolutely amazing! He really challenged us and made us work hard. Single handedly the best class I’ve ever taken, and surely my favorite professor ever. As it’s my last semester now, I figured it’d be nice to take one of his classes again. 

On Thursday he had us work in groups. We discussed a movie we had watched and then answered a prompt. The group was responsible for having one student write it and turn it in. We had a great analysis written down, but the student that had written it left class with the essay and never turned it in. Luckily, I was packing up when he called for the essays and was able to bullet out our points and turn in that paper for full credit. Then the most awesomely, amazing, wonderful, thing happened: he spoke to me. 


He asked what year I was, to which I replied senior. I told him about how I had taken his class when I had first arrived at my current school, and we both talked about how the lazy kids in class are both a nuisance but also comedic relief at times. Then *cue the sweet validation* he told me that I was one of the smartest students he’s ever taught. I almost exploded with happiness. It was like all my hard work had finally paid off, someone had finally taken notice. I could care less about my graduation date, I will forever think of that moment as my own personal graduation. 

Here’s rare footage of my actual reaction: 


I mean, here’s this no BS, hard ass teacher telling me I’ve done well. I’m still in shock, just…gimme a second to compose myself.. 


Then the week of pure bliss continued (I’m almost sort of disgusted by all this happy emotion stuff, so sorry for that) 

I went to a friend’s show and won over a couple of people with my charming personality, but mostly my ability to make people laugh (Totally convinced most people dislike me so I use comedy to force them to love me). Which, by the way, comes in handy every so often. You can’t be mad at me if I can make you laugh. 

Image  Also, you are not allowed to judge my comedic abilities by reading these posts. 



Back to pure bliss, after last night (show, winning people over, and endless loop of evil laughs) I woke up this morning and got to go to work. You may or may not remember that I work with primates, so I’ll tell you again. I work with primates. I got to feed and cuddle cute monkeys 

Exhibit A:


I also found out that there’s a cute guy that works on the Sunday shift. He’s also funny, my ultimate weakness, so that might be fun. 

Anyways, that’s my week of joy and happiness. I might post some more stuff this week so *cheesy voice* stay tuned. (I immediately regret typing that, but I won’t erase it so deal with it). 

-See ya soon! Wait. I think it’s more appropriate I say something like: type at ya soon,

Jenny (: 


Sunday Funday

Well, more like Sunday- do all of your homework then have- Funday.

See, I’m an Anthropology major, a Bio Anthro major actually, and my university makes me take ridiculous classes. Since this is my last semester I’m taking some classes that I need to pass in order to graduate (yay for college). I was forced to take a “natural science” (don’t worry that I’d already taken and passed one but whatever) so I ended up signing up for something called “The Global Scientific Revolution & Its Impact on Quality of Life”. It was an online class I figured would be an easy A. Oh how wrong I was. See, it’s my professor’s dream to be a physicist and that’s all he chooses to lecture on. That would be okay, BUT I’ve never taken physics a tragedy all on its own. So now I have to sit through presentations about nuclear physics and learn all this material in a day (Sunday) which is when I have time to complete his homework assignments and exams. It’s really quite frustrating, but just one more month and it will all be over. Sweet freedom will be mine, & I will finally be working within my field. 

-Back to the “Fun” in Sunday Funday- 


While most people have fun by actually doing things, my fun includes: watching ella enchanted (because who doesn’t want to watch Anne Hathaway fall in love with Hugh Dancy), then watching the left overs on my DVR (no one ever watched them for a reason), and currently awaiting tonight’s episode of Once Upon a Time (ahhh captain swan).

This leads me to one of the more important questions I’ve thought up in my lifetime: Why does Colin O’Donoghue look like a sex good in his captain hook costume? No but really

Image    Image 

how?!  It only confirms my theory that some people just look better in costume. Like Johnny Depp, or Orlando Bloom 

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I really tried putting up an actual picture of Orlando Bloom as Legolas, but this was just so much better & he still looks hot so… 

Back to the point. In some hours, as I wait for Once Upon a Time to finish recording, I will be able to stare at the hot man wearing eyeliner and lots of black leather. That is when the true fun of Sunday Funday begins. 

I also get to feel super awesome about how my non-existent love life is going. I have this thing where I’m only attracted to men that are unavailable and uninterested. I also get to talk this guy who I used to like but don’t  anymore but sometimes makes me…feel things. It’s really just a wonderful big mess now isn’t it? Not to mention I haven’t found anyone I’m truly interested in in the past three years, but since this isn’t any fun it shall stay out of my Sunday Funday post. Excuse me while I push it to the back of my mind and wait to unleash it a few weeks from now. 

-Anyways, that’s all for now. Hope your Sunday was considerably more fun than mines! 

Jenny (: